I’m Michelle!

I work in a high-stress corporate job and found that crochet effectively helped me manage my stress. I started it because I missed working with my hands, but then I quickly realized I felt more grounded and less anxious. I aim to leave my corporate position eventually and have my crochet business and Pinterest management (yes I have another business😂) business be full-time.

I enjoy creating wearables, home decor, and plushies. I should probably niche down a bit more, but I probably won’t! I find joy in creating things people love, from blankets to beanies. This blog is all about crochet, and if you decide you want to purchase my creations you can do that here too. I’m open to ideas, so please feel free to reach out.

I live in Arizona with my family, I am married and I have 3 children. I grew up in Montana but do not miss those long winters. The desert is suiting us great in this season of life.

My Favs

Fav Coffee

Brown Sugar Shaken Espresso

Fav TV Show

The Office

Fav Biz to support

Sugar and Dirt Designs

Fav HOliday


Fun Facts:

  1. Before working in corporate and starting my business I was a hairstylist and even owned a salon.
  2. I’ve moved across the country twice, once from Montana to Wisconsin and then Wisconsin to Arizona.
  3. I have watched the entire series of The Office at least 7 times, it’s my ultimate comfort show.
  4. My youngest son was a surprise blessing and was born 16 years after my “former” youngest daughter.
  5. I used to be scared to drive on the Phoenix freeways. I would take surface streets to my corporate job, an hour away. I did this for 2 1/2 years until I overcame that fear. (I grew up in Montana in a town of 5000 people, so the freeways were terrifying.)
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